Those Who Mind Don’t Matter and Those Who Matter Don’t Mind.

I’ve become increasingly aware of the fact that I am very overly concerned with what opinions other people have of me for various parts of my life. The top of that list being my appearance. I can’t think of a night out where I haven’t taken a photo of myself and put it up on social media wondering how many likes it was going to get or if people are going to have a positive reaction towards it, it’s always the first thought that comes to my head and then my own opinion follows. This leads to me sometimes having a bad night because of it, of course if I’m feeling crappy and it gets a lot of likes then I’ll feel better, but if it doesn’t do as well it can make me feel bad about myself. WHICH IS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS. It’s the same way you could be complimented a thousand times and receive one criticism and the criticism is what sticks out it your head.

Why do we let the opinion of others rule our life so much? Unless what you’re doing is impacting their life negatively it shouldn’t matter to them, and it definitely shouldn’t matter to you. Can you remember all the positive things people said to you today? For example: “Good morning”, “Thank you”, “Have a nice day” or even bigger things like “You look really nice today”, I can’t but I remember that young girl at work today who was cheeky towards me.

This week (tomorrow to be exact) I am heading over to Liverpool to visit my friend and I’m not going to post a picture of myself on social media. I’ll post of the city and interesting places because I’m away and I’ll want to remember it, I’ll even take pictures of myself on a night out and just won’t post them anywhere.  I don’t want my focus to be on what other people think of my appearance, I want to feel good in myself because I like the way I look. I’m aware this may sound stupid to some people but to me I think it’s important I learn this lesson. If it’s successful I’ll give an update.

I was brave today.

I know when you read that title you’ll think I’ve done something monumental and live changing, but no, I uploaded a video of me singing to Facebook. 

I know this may not seem like a massive fear or anything of significance but to me it’s showing how far I’ve come from as little as 6 months ago. Despite my love of singing I never would have thought of showing anyone, despite people on my Facebook being my friends. I’m proud of myself today and that I didn’t let my low self esteem get the better of me today. Here’s the link in case anyone’s interested in listening:
