Why I love the EU Referendum.

The EU Referendum. A topic on which many people are very passionate about (myself included). However I am not writing this to explain which way I am voting and why. I am writing this to express my gratitude that it’s happened.

This vote is the first I’ve heard young people really get excited about, and I mean young, I had a rather fiery debate with a twelve year old the other day because they didn’t share my view on which side to vote for. This is the chance for young people to get involved in politics and truly get their voices heard, which for the future is a very good thing as the younger demographic are the generation this decision will effect the greatest. As a citizenĀ of Northern Ireland I am particularly glad this new found interest from the young as happened as the voting system here doesn’t represent people my age whatsoever and the governments focus very little on students, which for me is a priority (being a student and all).

My only advice to anyone who hasn’t decided whether to vote or not: just do it. The information is all out there, make your vote represent you. Not your favourite actor/singer. Not your friend. Not your family. YOU. You are the one who has to live with the outcome and it should be you who makes the decision.

Happy Voting!